September 2016 Busy month for First Call Property Inspections. We completed 35 Full Property Inspections, 5 NSW Inspections and 5 EER. Once again we covered all of Canberra North and South Check this out on Google+
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August 2016 Another solid month of property inspections. Our team completed 36 full building inspections, 3 NSW Inspections and 11 Energy Efficiency Ratings. Braddon, Higgins, Watson, Latham, Harrison, Canberra City, Richardson to name a few locations Check this out on Google+
7 time surfing World Champion, Layne Beachley, spoke at the First Call Property Inspections sponsored LJ Hooker 'food for thought' breakfast about her sporting career, personal battles and what you can do to be 'successful'. Very inspiring speech which evoked many thoughts for those present to be better each day! In Album 8/27/16 Check…
July 2016 31 jobs this month (26 full ACT property inspections, 1 NSW building inspection and 4 EER reports) Reports covered the whole of Canberra from Gungahlin, Belconnen, Inner North, Woden and Tuggernong Check this out on Google+
Our team completed 10 pre-sale building reports and 3 Energy Efficiency Rating reports for sellers in Ainslie, Crace, Franklin, Condor, Hackett etc Check this out on Google+
Our team of inspectors completed 7 pre-sale building reports in Banks, Latham, Harrison, Bonnor, MacGregor, Palmerston Check this out on Google+