Inspection Prices
Building Inspections - Pest Inspections - Complaince Reports - Energy Efficiency Ratings Pre Purchase Building/Property Inspection Specialists
Our Pre Purchase covers both building defects interior and exterior, and a non-invasive pest inspection.
At First Call Property Inspections we offer you peace of mind, and our Inspection Reports are easy to read, easy to understand and they are delivered straight to your inbox.
Inspection Packages
Reports completed and supplied by email next business day after inspection. Purchaser pays on settlement or payment due within 120 days from inspection date. Contact our office for further information.
Reports completed and supplied by email next business day after inspection. Building file fast-tracked from Access Canberra in 24 hours as opposed to standard 3-5 day waiting time. Contact our office for further information.
NSW inspections include building and pest inspections. NSW inspections are not deferred payment and are paid before the reports are released.
All homes and class A units in the ACT require an Energy Efficiency Rating report (EER) done before the property can be put on the market.
For a building report only
Our inspectors come out and walk through your home prior to your inspections, allowing them to point out defects that can be fixed and not included on the final report.